Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Time is always on your side

Time where does it go?

Being off of work the past two days has been such a welcomed relief of time to myself. Tomorrow sets another day for a refreshed self.  I have been able to get so many things done that seem impossible to accomplish on a normal day, as the weekends roll around it is my time to sleep in(?) and do the things that I no longer push myself to do during the week. The weekends come and go so fast that I don't get a lot that I had planned to do done. I guess this was my time to reflect and move into a more time conscious life style.  Back to work I go, hi ho hi ho.

Monday, October 14, 2013


Where to begin. I have started, brainstormed and thought this through countless times. I am going to throw it out there and give it my all. I am a mother of 3,  I am sensitive, kind and thoughtful as a small introduction (there is so much more).  I have read blogs for many years now and have always admired their capabilities to lay it all out there (or not). I have witnessed a select few go through some trying times and have always put my want to write on the back burner.   A lot of it was out of fear, perception and truthfully not knowing where to begin.  

This is the beginning for me and my adventure in the blogging world.  Let the good times roll.......

Just one of my many style icons.  SJP