Monday, October 6, 2014

Seasons change

We all change as the seasons do. Every time the season changes people amongst us change as do we, we grow whether it be in one direction or another we grow and evolve.   I first noticed this is my mid 20's and as a woman in my 30's I often give people that are not yet 25 the advice that you will change so much from the age you are now until around 25-26 years of age. I feel that is the key # for most people and that it occurs more frequently than not. I thought that in my early 20's that this was it, this is who I would be for the rest of my life. WOW! I was wrong on so many levels. I have matured, gone through a lot of pain and change, some of it self induced, other was unfortunate events that led to me growing and becoming the person I am today and thought that I already knew.  As I sit here today there is a new season that has been heavy on my heart and I am ready for that change in my life. How I voice my thoughts and opinions on other loved ones around me is kind of scary. I do not like to be vulnerable and express my true feelings head-on. I need to stand up and go forward with this and make sure that I can get my point across and get the ones who love me to understand and support this new season in my life, our life.

Friday, September 26, 2014

It's Friday!

We made it to Friday! Here we are going in to the weekend! Everyone that I have spoken to this week were all looking forward to Friday.
Busy as ever and strolling through life with a smile on our face. It will be nice to slow down and take life in stride. We are all expected to go, go, go in life, never slowing down. It seems as though you need to have your kid in 3 different extracurricular activities to fit in with the rest. What ever happened to organic learning and being happy with playing outside with your neighborhood friends?
Our weekend in a nutshell 
Jacob has flight lessons this weekend, he is trying to wrap it all up before the Holiday Season is in full swing. I am so excited and proud of him for this huge accomplishment. He has always dreamt of being an pilot and now he is seeking out his dream! We should all push ourselves a  little more and pursue our dreams.
I plan to entertain the kiddos with making a homemade banana pudding and cleaning up a bit (what kid doesn't like to cook and clean?). Now that we live a little further out and away from all of the conveniences in life I find myself staying home more often and doing more things that I had always wanted to do but never made the time. Now that everything is further from me I have buckled down and my creativity and ideas are coming to the surface.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


We always need to remind ourselves of this. As we are going through life and aimlessly walking the line we find hurdles that sometimes we think are impossible to jump.  Everyone should at least try, if not then why settle for the cycle of the unknown?  Anything is possible if you put your head in to the game. We all have second guessed our ability to move forward with something. Why your life fully and pursue the greater things that you think are impossible.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

It happened to me for the first time

I had typed out a post earlier tonight and hit a wrong key and BAM! it was deleted, no where to be found right before my eyes.  I will most likely put it all back together tomorrow or some time this week when I have the power to keep my eyes open for more than 10 minutes.  Until then au revoir!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My brain is broken

TIME AFTER TIME (enter Cyndi Laupers voice) I try to keep this little space updated.  I keep meaning to stop in here and pour my heart out to anyone who might lend an ear, but then life grabs me and shakes me around. I am going to try this again...... and see where we go. I enjoy sharing my style likes, daily rambles, crafts, food that may just hit the spot, you get where I am going with this, right? 

We are coming in to the Fall season and the weather will soon change, with that will come some style post. Stop by for upcoming post on all things fun!

Au revoir!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sunshiney Day

Sadly enough when days are dark and gloomy you have to create your own sunshine. Think positive thoughts, and to be happy and content with what you are currently handed in life! HAPPY thoughts people, happy thoughts.