Friday, September 26, 2014

It's Friday!

We made it to Friday! Here we are going in to the weekend! Everyone that I have spoken to this week were all looking forward to Friday.
Busy as ever and strolling through life with a smile on our face. It will be nice to slow down and take life in stride. We are all expected to go, go, go in life, never slowing down. It seems as though you need to have your kid in 3 different extracurricular activities to fit in with the rest. What ever happened to organic learning and being happy with playing outside with your neighborhood friends?
Our weekend in a nutshell 
Jacob has flight lessons this weekend, he is trying to wrap it all up before the Holiday Season is in full swing. I am so excited and proud of him for this huge accomplishment. He has always dreamt of being an pilot and now he is seeking out his dream! We should all push ourselves a  little more and pursue our dreams.
I plan to entertain the kiddos with making a homemade banana pudding and cleaning up a bit (what kid doesn't like to cook and clean?). Now that we live a little further out and away from all of the conveniences in life I find myself staying home more often and doing more things that I had always wanted to do but never made the time. Now that everything is further from me I have buckled down and my creativity and ideas are coming to the surface.

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