Monday, October 6, 2014

Seasons change

We all change as the seasons do. Every time the season changes people amongst us change as do we, we grow whether it be in one direction or another we grow and evolve.   I first noticed this is my mid 20's and as a woman in my 30's I often give people that are not yet 25 the advice that you will change so much from the age you are now until around 25-26 years of age. I feel that is the key # for most people and that it occurs more frequently than not. I thought that in my early 20's that this was it, this is who I would be for the rest of my life. WOW! I was wrong on so many levels. I have matured, gone through a lot of pain and change, some of it self induced, other was unfortunate events that led to me growing and becoming the person I am today and thought that I already knew.  As I sit here today there is a new season that has been heavy on my heart and I am ready for that change in my life. How I voice my thoughts and opinions on other loved ones around me is kind of scary. I do not like to be vulnerable and express my true feelings head-on. I need to stand up and go forward with this and make sure that I can get my point across and get the ones who love me to understand and support this new season in my life, our life.

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